ALL EMOTIONS es una técnica de crecimiento personal y empoderamiento que se basa en la sabiduría ancestral Kahuna y en unas herramientas energéticas muy potentes que generan un cambio corporal y emocional a través del poder de la intención. Y por otra parte, en traer a la mente consciente hechos que están guardados en el subconsciente, haciendo hincapié sobre todo en la infancia.
Una sesión de ALL EMOTIONS es un viaje al niño interior que todos tenemos y un navegar por los momentos en los que se generó un trauma para de esta manera, ya sea con energía o con desarrollo consciente, desbloquear las emociones atascadas que han traído consigo enfermedades, miedos profundos, depresiones o dolores en el cuerpo.
En ALL EMOTIONS ofrecemos Consultas personalizadas, Workshops y formación para niños y adultos. Además, siendo conscientes de la necesidad de silencio y desconexión en un entorno sobre contaminado y estresado, ofrecemos también Retiros de 10 días (personalizables) en nuestro espacio en Asturias.
También pueden interesarte nuestras sesiones de Chamanismo Transpersonal, Los Cursos y lecturas de Registros Akáshicos (El Libro Eterno de la Vida) o los seminarios Online de Ho’oponopono.
Nuestra máxima premisa es que somos libres de crear nuestra propia realidad a través de lo que pensamos, sentimos y hacemos, pretendemos que esta misma responsabilidad se refleje con los conocimientos adquiridos en los cursos y que al tener las herramientas, hagamos uso de ellas con constancia, agradecimiento y felicidad.
Thank you for being here. Thank you for being ready to change something about your reality, for being a nonconformist, for getting bored of complaining; thank you for deciding to leave your comfort zone, to believe, to learn, to achieve, to live as you deserve, because only the ones who believe in something can create it and make it happen in their lives, and particularly, thanks to our masters, to the ones who taught us what we know on each journey, and in each seminar, and to all and each of our clients, group and individual sessions, all of you without exception , have been great masters and you revealed to us the best way to continue helping you and ourselves. The world spins around you who receive with generosity the opportunity for change.
ALL EMOTIONS is a powerful energetic technique which we can use to transform reality. Through it we can treat all kinds of pains and illnesses, interpersonal relationships, the plenty, lifestyle, any matter in our lives that we would like to change or turn around.
After years of learning and work we agree on this: most problems, pains and suffering that people we were treating told us about, had mostly, an emotional origin. This fact-finding was the beginning of something which changed our lives: nothing is the same again when we understand that we have the power to heal ourselves, and what is even more important, when we discover that healing the emotion caused by a trauma, can make that trauma, that emotion, and at the same time all the feelings and reactions prompted by the emotion itself disappear.
The great majority of our actions are driven by our subconscious, where the emotion is found. So, our emotions and our childhood experiences influence our lives practically 100% of the time. If our emotions and feelings are high vibration, then we have a 100% high vibration lives. With ALL EMOTIONSwe work to achieve this, to have a 100% high vibration life, healing and/or raising the low vibration emotions. For this purpose we use the highest energies, connecting them to the person, but we also use consciousness which will help us in those cases in which the person has to learn something to overcome those situations.
With ALL EMOTIONS we can change all our lives, changing emotions, consciousness and feelings!